Reading the TT online documentation is useful, but the TT book is definitely the better way to learn how to use TT to its fullest potential. 阅读TT的在线文档是实用的,但是,对于学习如何全面彻底地使用TT,TT书籍显然是更好的途径。
We offer product documentation, a book on ClearCase and UCM, and a multi-media CD that can be ordered for free. 我们提供产品文档,一本关于ClearCase和UCM的书,以及一张多媒体CD,可以从这里free免费预定。
Please the resources section for links to the official API documentation, tutorials, and a book on SQLAlchemy. 请参阅参考资料部分,获取官方API文档、教程和SQLAlchemy书籍的链接。
The only documentation on the Managed Collaboration pattern is the Application pattern in the Patterns for e-business book ( see Resources). 在管理协作模式方面唯一一种类型是电子商务模式一书(详见参考资料)中介绍的应用程序模式。
There is no documentation in his book on how he overcomes the problem that stumped him and fellow researchers in the 2006 paper. 在皮凯蒂的书中,没有任何地方说明他是如何解决这个在2006年的论文中难倒自己和其他研究员的问题的。
Bears primary responsibility for creation and maintenance of all site specific documentation including but not limited to property information book, site operating manual and emergency operations manual. 负责主要的现场具体文件的创建和维护工作。包括但不仅限于物业信息簿,现场操作手册和紧急预案手册。
Pattern specifications are the formal, written documentation such as what we find in GoF book and many others. 模式说明是正式的、编写出来的文档,就像我们在GoF以及其他书中看到的一样。
Clicking the link takes you to the place in the documentation the link points to, either in the current book or in other books. 单击链接会使您转到文档中这个链接指向的位置,无论这个位置是在当前手册中还是在其它手册中。
Because Lao-tzu lived thousands years ago and documentation was lacked, Lao-tzu and his book had caused many hypothesize. 由于老子距我们年代久远以及文献资料的匮乏,老子其人其书曾经引起后人的许多猜测。
Up till the present moment, there is seldom special documentation but a few simple introductions in the Japanese books on the Book of Songs. 到目前为止,对《毛诗会笺》未见有专门的研究。只是在日本的诗经研究著作上有过简单的介绍。